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Work on Genealogy

Involve genealogists in your family in collecting and sharing information about your roots.

It's seldom that everyone who comes to a family reunion will be interested in genealogy and family history--unless you chose just such persons specifically for this reunion. Nonetheless, tracing your family roots and keeping track of new generations is a valuable and essential activity that you can foster at your family reunion. There is almost always someone in the family--perhaps even you--who enjoys keeping track of family information and archiving it for future generations. Such people are a family treasure.

Invite family members to fill out directory information as part of registering for the reunion either when they RSVP or when they arrive. It can be added to your family tree after the reunion.

Be sure to inform everyone about the area you've set aside for copying and sharing genealogical information. As part of your family reunion program, you may want to invite one of the avid genealogists in the family to give a short presentation on work they have done. Knowing their roots will help everyone feel more a part of the family.